All hell would’ve broken loose if you’d allowed your stepson go peek at your daughter while she changed clothes and not punished him for it. English is not my first language I apologize. AITA for grounding my daughter. My brothers' children have what they need and they don't stick to anyone to get things. Her freshly dyed hair leaked a TON of purple dye into the pool and she was asked to leave. That is not good for her, for you, for your husband, or your family. AITAH for grounding my daughter for disabling the parental control app on her phone? My 34m wife and I have 2 wonderful daughters, 12f and 10f. They're very active in the middle of the night and they've woken all of us up. When my wife went to throw something away after dinner, she noticed that my daughter had left some of the pepper on the pepper core. A Teen Stood Up to Her Parents After Years of Being Her Step-Sister’s Caregiver & Reddit is Cheering Her On. . " Right after, my 9-year-old daughter (her step sister) piped up and added some encouraging words. We argued until we came to a “compromise” of grounding her. 132. 947 Likes, 118 Comments. I might be an asshole for grounding her from christmas because it seems like everyone thinks the punishment is too much. My wife also doesn't have any siblings and stepdaughter's dad is a deadbeat so there is no one buying her expensive things. AITA for grounding my daughter. AITA for grounding my daughter. Your ex is an asshole and you need to go to court and have the custody agreement upheld if she continues on with her nonsense. I have two kids B15m and S13f. This year she is supposed to be with me for christmas and it's court ordered so her dad can't do anything about it. My daughter Nicole is a bright, sweet, and sociable girl. Your step-daughter has literally no obligation to help you take care of your. My daughter Bridget is 15 and loves to push every one of my buttons. It might make me TA because it seems like lots of people call their dogs/pets weird and mean nicknames. He is old enough to understand what is unacceptable in conversation and be held accountable for it. My daughter always demanded to know why she wants money and her stepmom refused to answer so my daughter said no. My daughter however is the complete opposite she’s is extremely organized and has everything planned out , straight A student , a soon to be Olympian basically, and I wouldn’t say she’s popular but she has a few very close friends and a whole lot of. I just couldn't look at her like that and left. she is my cousin's daughter. AITA for grounding my daughter for leaving her sister with the neighbor? AITA for telling my son that he needs to respect his mother? AITA SIL wants to apologize 4 years later AITA for pointing out my wife’s baby weight? --- Send in a voice message. Check out this great listen on Audible. It wasn't mandated but if my Dad had stepped up with parenting instead of hiding from reality and drinking in his room I would have gotten to have a more normal. My daughter was raised bilingual but because of how she was born, she only has German citizenship however, she is eligible for American one. But recently decided that since my nephew doesn't consider his stepborther and half sister his siblings, that more time needs to be put into them spending together so and he wanted me to. She plays what I guess they call "club volleyball. I believe he sent a video to her as well. Okay, so I (48M) have a 16 year old daughter (let's call her Sarah) who recently got in trouble at school for calling a boy a "creep" after he called her hot and asked for her number. AITA for grounding my son for being a spoiled brat. The idea that the woman in the relationship should be younger than the man is VERY antiquated. 3k comments. Dylan and I amicably divorced when Ella was only 4 years old. This absolutely is parentification. She never said anything to me the day of or the day following, but I knew that she did because her key…Instead of screaming at and grounding your daughter for listening to a song about things that you don't like, it would have probably been much better for you to just have a mature conversation with her about why you don't like the song,. We remodeled their bathroom 8 years ago and we added 2 cubbies in the shower. My younger one gets grand-mal seizures, my older one is scared of them and I told her if she's in closer proximity to her sister than. Welcome to r/AmITheAsshole. 2. AITA for Grounding My Step-Daughter for Saying She Doesn't Like Mushrooms? Quick explanation of family - I have a 9 year old stepdaughter and I've been in her life since she was about 2 and a half. for. As you can imagine, I think it has a negative effect on her psyche; she makes voodoo dolls of people at work, draws magic circles, and the like. The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Bachelor Sister Wives 90 Day Fiance Wife Swap The Amazing Race Australia Married at First Sight The Real Housewives of Dallas My 600-lb Life Last Week Tonight with John OliverAITA for yelling at my daughter and grounding her? My daughter is sixteen, and she is generally very well behaved. AITA for grounding my daughter over a cosplay photo. AITA for grounding my son because I can't work out in the morning? I generally go to the gym four days a week. “A few years ago I finished the basement and added a bathroom to it and gave it to my [14-year-old] daughter,” the original poster (OP) said on the AITA subreddit. This will cause major lifelong issues for your child if you go about it the wrong way that may require many years of therapy to recover from. We now have four wonderful boys (5, 3, 2, 4months). I have little to no support. The three girls share a bathroom/shower. My mom is proud of what she said, calling it her crowning acheivement of motherhood, and she is as vile as you say. ESH - the problem with grounding her for 9 months right now is that it's not the same as going to school and being grounded. My husband (40m) and I (40f) have 5 kids (15m, 13m, 13f, 12f, and 10m). AITA for grounding her? comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment . They’re her siblings, not her kids. I told her after she’s given birth she has to put the baby up for adoption, and that I’m kicking her out as I can’t raise such an irresponsible. I have my daughter, Suzie, who is 3 and he has a daughter, Olivia, 16, who are both from previous marriages, and I am currently 5 months pregnant . Their father was at work. well let's say she talks NON-STOP. I told her that we are in a bit of a. She was hardly aware of her daughter’s whereabouts, so I kind of took Ava under my wing. A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if…I had always been the 'responsible oldest daughter' and babysat my 3 younger siblings so I threw myself into the role pretty hard. original post for context. AITA for not speaking to my daughter. My 34m wife and I have 2 wonderful daughters, 12f and 10f. this is an aita story I just read and I don't know if it got posted on her yet. The therapist basically said something like "I know you still love your sister-" and my son cut him off and said "No I don't, I'd still have a mother if it wasn't for her. All hell would’ve broken loose if you’d allowed your stepson go peek at your daughter while she changed clothes and not punished him for it. It is an extreme punishment for someone so close to adulthood, who is trying to grow into independence. I held her hand but it was too uncomfortable and I could feel the tears coming. I had to add - it's not "aita for grounding my daughter" it's I am an ass. I also have a stepdaughter, "Ellie", who is almost 15. They were meant to visit us after Christmas though it got delayed for some reason and they could only stay for a short. Read this before contacting the mod team. Asshole. There times when he didn't brush his teeth or eat. Your daughter for saying that, and you for calling her an adult and then thinking you can ground an adult lol. Advertisement Coins. She takes more shifts from work to avoid me. She did do well behavioral wise in class. r/AmItheAsshole. Help keep the sub engaging!AITA for grounding my daughter until school starts. I don't force any of the kids to eat things they don't like. If your husband won't step back, you need to put your foot down. ) for my mother or assists my stepfather in. We even let her bring her newborn baby. The parties directly relevant to this AITA scenario are the mother and the daughter. My daughter (19f) visited her boyfriend’s (20m) family for the majority of Christmas break, mainly due to the fact that they would be in the woods and be constantly splurging. Bachelor Sister Wives 90 Day Fiance Wife Swap The Amazing Race Australia Married at First Sight The Real Housewives of Dallas My 600-lb Life Last Week. Help keep the sub engaging!AITA for grounding my daughter by not bonding with me on gardening? “I (47f) live with my husband and my youngest daughter (15f). OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: I feel like im kind of one since I had took away his switch a few days after he spent his money on a switch game he's been waiting for more than a. It's excessive on your part, and she will just do a better job lying in the future. The session was more or less over after that, none of us knew what to say and my daughter looked so broken. The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Bachelor Sister Wives 90 Day Fiance Wife Swap The Amazing Race Australia Married at First Sight The Real Housewives of Dallas My 600-lb Life Last Week Tonight with John OliverOP is NTA for telling your daughter you won’t watch another kid. If anything the transphobia makes the grounding stupider, since it just pushes the daughter to support the transphobic asshole ex. There are probably good reasons that she avoids spending time with the family. My husband and I are respectful and non-judgmental of my SIL’s profession and have tried to teach these values to our children. We went through a period of being a happy new little family - we went by the holidays (my older daughter did not come by for. So a bit of background. I (38f) was home alone with my NT 11 yr old daughter and my high needs ND 9 yr old daughter who has epilepsy. I lucked out in that, they don't argue or fight as often as I predicted they would when they hit these ages, but, when they do fight, it's WW3. As punishment I took her phone, deleted all her apps, and made it where if she. Their daughter has to go to the funeral of her best friend by herself. If your 12 year old wants to masturbate and have a vibrator, then you have to support her. NAH — first, your cousin needs structure and rules. Discover short videos related to aita grounding my lying daughter on TikTok. YTA - You are making your daughter your emotional support animal. Oh and so long as she is living in your home, using your car, and having her life subsidized by you, you absolutely CAN ground her and when not grounded you can set a curfew. Obviously actions have consequences, but being ground for the summer when 17 is life altering. I live with my mother (65F), who has several health issues. I have 2 sitters that I can call on as needed and I use them before I’d ever ask. I didn’t trust her so I was checking my recent purchases on my cards and I saw that she used my debit card to buy the shelf. Ava was an amazing kid and Lucas loved her. She ususally never leaves her room when we or her siblings are at home and refuses to. We've tried to let our kids be their own person with healthy and logical limits, we both come from abusive homes so over the years we've just. 104. AITA for not grounding my son? I have 3 kids, my first Gabe (m12), middle Liv (f10) and Ian (M8). She's got her mom's smarts and my smart mouth. AITA for grounding my 12 yo daughter because she wants to buy sex toys online and being mad at my wife because encourages it?. • 20 days ago. My husband found out. You are keeping an adult prisoner. com. Since I smell a "dirty delete" in the near future I am not the OP. In case this story gets deleted/removed: AITA For Grounding My Daughter And Almost Getting Her Fired. Only The Most Interesting AITA Posts. YTA for not stopping your boyfriend from making the argument about him and his guitar. AITA for Grounding my Son because he gave My Sister a Teletubbies Costume as a Christmas Present for a "Prank" Asshole. AITA for grounding my daughter after she called me a liar? My husband (m47) and I (f40) are getting divorced, we have three kids together Amelie (f17), (m15) and (m4). AITA for grounding my 11 yr old for not helping her sister in an emergency. She saw someone stuffing Advil into her pants. The older sister is traumatized and has no idea how to respond. It's close to my house and if I leave at 7AM then I'm back at 8:10AM. Call of Duty: Warzone Hollow Knight: Silksong. I asked for the second time what the hell was going on. They're very active in the middle of the night and. AITA for grounding my daughter. 4K. Sara is a teenager, all teenagers go through phases. Yesterday, Olivia had hosted her own birthday celebration in the backyard with 22 of her close friends and around 13 relatives. The only non asshole is your husband, since I think he's had to deal with this junk from day 1 and was at a loss as to what or IF he could say anything. My daughter, 14f, snuck out the other night. Please view our voting guide here, and remember to use only one judgement in your comment. We did everything together, we liked the same things and we were best friends. AITA for grounding my daughter for helping a friend? my daughter (F16) went to her friends house to meet up with some kids that live far away. 2 days ago · Her father has a wife and together they have three other children. ETA: good on you for standing up for your daughter, and best of luck in her recovery. Add in the fact she slacked and slept entire days away while “sick” constantly and her college pickings were slim. My daughter loves her stepmother, referring to her as her 'other mum'. Now on to the update: My ex wife for a long time was. Yesterday, his friends give him snacks. She's stood by this rule completely for the past year and a half and there's never. Of course, she immediately ran to the excuses of, " the teacher doesn't explain it well. Birds of a feather flock together. I lucked out in that, they don't argue or fight as often as I predicted. AITA for grounding my daughter A couple days ago we started getting rats in the walls/ceiling. r/TwoHotTakes. He was a single dad of 2 kids, Jason (25m) and Sophie (27f). The next day came by and she still hasnt called. 0 coins. “After a bunch of testing, it. I know all this, because something similar happened to me, at around the same age, and I was grounded for the whole summer, by my controlling parents. It changes his life (in his eyes) because social life is life or death to a 17 year old. I grounded her for three months and took away her internet. AITA for giving my daughter an indefinite grounding. So I grounded her for it. If you don't get some "mental illness" (your words) help ASAP you will destroy your family. AITA for joking about how much my daughter talks? I found out I had a daughter 3 years ago. There's also a question of emotional maturity. Alex is always mad at my daughter (Alexa) for no reason. Their father insisted on mullets…which they absolutely despised (for. dont take that opportunity away from her. Log In. That's fine. Amber, my 15 year old, was accusing Bridget, my 16 year old, of trying to steal money from Amber's money can to take on an upcoming date. 28. So today I grounded my daughter after my son waited 3 hours to eat and everyone else ate food before him because he wanted something else so when he got the special kind of chips my daughter got mad and crushed them up cause she pretended she was still hungry and I grounded her for it but I. 219 votes, 82 comments. Her stepmom argued how she is being an inconsiderate brat and my daughter called her a. My step daughter (12) used my computer to play games online, which is no issue. Press J to jump to the feed. I tried staying as close to what she recounts as well as my my sister's side of the story. My other two kids love her. Grounded my daughter for calling Elon a "Creep".